Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tsunade Hokage Funny Photos

I'm ready to wash the dishes.. all gear up..

kid : huh... which one of your heads is talking?

Now you boy.. you need to start to learn the real thing

the real might of the finger is used in great battle specially....

this shows Tsunade doesn't know yet how to swallow

youngness of Tsunade

the mark of frustration! 

The first lady Hokage

Is there's something wrong? why can't you speak when I called you?

Lady Tsunade Chibi

I'll teach you how to trap the guy you like.. 

where are you miss Tsunade its pitch black in here

I saw ... this is the size 

I'll show that I'm not gay.. I'll fight you a real girl

kiss me Jiraiya... if you're not gay

ohhh there are big at this close...

me and Orochimaru got a hair tie... we love it

who's drunk? I'm not drunk, just got a bit of alcoholic water in the wheel

don't let your balls fall into her hands...

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