Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fake Hanamichi Sakuragi Story (Hoax )

There's a story circulating over the Internet claiming that there's a REAL Hanamichi Sakuragi to where the creator of Slamdunk adopted his story. The article is totally a HOAX who made by nothing-to-do-good people but who just want to get attention from Slamdunk fanatics.

Here are some proofs that the article is a Hoax:

1. The photo is a fake, the author of the article grabbed a random photo of a japanese student from the net that looks like Hanamichi.

 The photo was taken from this site , though the link is no longer available.

2. The writings is like created by a highschool student. You can see the usage of minimal vocabulary and its very far how you read things in reliable articles like Wiki.

One part he said '1 shot that did not find the terminology to explain, and 2 free shots.' it's obvious that he making up some story like a HighSchool Kid telling a bluff story to his friends.

3. If you're gonna search the Internet if there's a basketball player named 'Hanamichi Sakuragi' you won't find any, except for the current Japanese player name himself after the Slamdunk character.

J.R Sakuragi

 Lastly, please stop spreading this kind of junk.. not only in this Anime (Slamdunk) but for the rest of anime's. Next time you will hear Naruto is based from a real person where Kishimoto just copied.

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